Thursday, December 6, 2012

~Christmas Mice~

Hello, friends. I absolutely adore Christmas mice, so decided to try my hand at making some. These are from the Burda #4231 pattern, now discontinued. The pattern includes three sizes: 6", 10", and 14" mice. These two are the 6" ones. I added a dress under the girl's pinafore, and a shirt under the boy's waistcoat. Before arthritis, my work would have looked better. These turned-out fairly nice, don't you think? Do you all love Christmas mice?

Linking-up with: ~Show-Licious' Craft Showcase#11~

Blessings, Danice G.


Primitive Stars said...

Morning, how sweet they are, gotta love Christmas mice.....Warm Blessings Francine.

sew.darn.quilt said...

This couple is magnificent, and the best kind of mice to have! I love the tails sticking out and the clothes are so cute. I haven't made any mice for a while now, hmm, I wonder if I could squeeze one or two in before the holidays?
Thank you for showcasing your Christmas Mice!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love Christmas mice and yours are adorable! I have an easy pattern that you can find online! I'll send you the link if you wan it! HAVE FUN sewing!

Unknown said...

Your mice are really cute, I love them!

Sew Many Raggedies said...

Sew cute!! You did a great job. Mice are very popular right now ~ I haven't tried making any yet, maybe soon.
Merry Christmas!!

Christine said...

Your mice are precious! Great job!

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Not a creature was stirring.....but these guys look like they would liven any Christmas decor - very cute Danice. :-)

Kate said...

They are realllllly cute!!! I don't have room to decorate very much. I live in one room and share a house with my best friend and her elderly parents. I help her as much as I can, but, I too have arthritis and fibromyalgia as well so some days I can't even stitch.

Carol Stuck said...

Hi Danice:

Wonderful little mice. I think you did an amazing job on them. Just too cute!!! Thanks for sharing the pic.

warm holiday hugs!

Cindi said...

These are really cute. Such nice Christmas mice!
Be blessed,

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

I just LOVE these Christmas mice!! What a shame that pattern is dicontinued. :(

Marti @ SewLicious Home Decor said...

Those are so cute, nice job! Thank you so much for participating at SHOW-licious Craft Showcase!


Laura Rhodes said...

So sweet! I've been wanting to make some myself, but haven't gotten to it yet...By the way, what do you use for the whiskers??:)