Thursday, July 19, 2018

12 Days of Christmas Blog Hop: Cans & Cookies!

Hello and welcome friends. Today it is Day #19 of the: 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop (Confessions of a Fabric Addict). I have a craft tutorial, as well as a cookie recipe to share. Pictured above are several decorated tin cans. There are many ways to make these, and here is my method. Let's get started:

1. First gather the supplies. You'll need some clean tin food cans, a paint brush and a sponge brush, acrylic paints including one white, sandpaper, school glue, spray primer, and spray clear coat finish. Wear a painter's paper mask (available at most dollar stores) to protect yourself from the fumes.

2. Lightly sand the can's exterior. In a well-ventilated area, put on the painter's paper mask and spray a light coat of metal primer onto the can. Allow about 30 minutes to completely dry.

3. Using the sponge brush, choose the acrylic paint color that you want the can to be and paint the exterior well. Allow to dry about 30 minutes.

4. Take the white acrylic paint and dip the paint brush bristle end into the paint. Hold the paint brush upside down in one hand, about 8" from the tin can. With your other hand, quickly swipe over the paint brush end onto the tin can. Turn the tin can as necessary to lightly sprinkle the entire exterior. Allow to dry for 30 minutes.

5. Using your printer or purchased labels, glue a label onto the can's front. The labels above are from The Graphics Fairy and Back Porch Graphics. 'Love that olde world Santa and the moose for holidays decorating.

6. Donning the painter's paper mask again in a well-ventilated area, lightly spray a layer of clear coat over the tin can's exterior. It will dry in about 10 minutes.

Now you have a prim speckled tin can to store something in, add flowers to, or just to sit as a trinket. Please continue reading for a holidays recipe.

If you are cooking in an electric oven, you may need to bake the cookies at a lower temperature. Our oven is gas-powered. 'Hoping my tutorial and recipe will both be something that you will try and enjoy. You can left-click the recipe image, save it to your computer and print it if you want to. Be sure to visit the other two bloggers on the Blog Hop today: Christina's Handicrafts and Books, Hooks, Sticks, Etc.

Blessings, Danice G.


  1. Thanks, Danice!

  2. Thanks for the recipe and project idea.

  3. What a great way to recycle a tin can! Those sugar cookies look so good I can almost taste them. I'm ready for Christmas in July just looking at them. Thanks for some great ideas.

  4. I love your cute little cans! What a great gift idea, and how pretty they would be with some holly and ivy in them! I'm also a total pushover when it comes to cookies, and your sugar cookies look amazing!! Thanks for all your hard work, and the great tutorial for the cans!

  5. Oh how I love the little tin cans! I'm so proud of my Lavender Dreams tin that you made. And the project sounds like a fun one! Thanks for the tutorial! Hugs, Diane

  6. Nice post. Christmas is definitely about sewing and baking and sharing.

  7. Oh how much I love those cans. I'm very partial to the Moose. Your tutorial makes them look easy enough to do. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Not good reading about Christmas cookies before eating breakfast, tee, hee.

  8. Looks like a fun project for any age.

  9. Very cute speckled cans! A large can would be lovely to pack some of those cookies in as a nice gift container.

  10. thanks for sharing today. how fun are you tin cans. thanks for the tutorial. i have to give these a try. thank you for the cookie recipe. this sounds wonderful. thanks for the tip about the different ovens.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  11. Ooh, I love sugar cookies! But now I have that song "Sure do love those sugar cookies, sugar" in my head! LOL

    Thank you for sharing the tin can tutorial and the recipe. . . they are both worth trying.

  12. Those cans seem so easy to make. And, they look sooooo cute. They might be a great way to "wrap" a Christmas present. Thanks for sharing.

  13. This is the first time I've seen a decorated tin tutorial. Thanks! They look great!

  14. Your cookies are making me hungry. Wish it wasn't so hot here, I would bake some.

  15. I make alot of cookies for the holidays and my hardest problem is figuring how to store them. Thanks for the idea.

  16. Cute idea with the cans and the cookies look delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Your tins are lovely and the cookie recipe sound delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  18. The sugar cookies look great! My son loves sugar cookies, I will be giving this recipe a try, thanks!

  19. These cans remind me of the enamel splattered metal plates and cups I've seen. Very cute. Thanks for the idea and directions. Those cookies sure look good. I must have gained a pound just looking at them.

  20. Thanks so much for the decorated can directions! This is something my Grandsons and I will have fun making together I am sure! This Gammy is teaching one of them to sew and he is loving that so I'm sure him and his older brother will enjoy this craft. And thank you for the heads up on where to get the labels as well. I'll be looking the site up for the labels as soon as I finish up here. Again thank you so very much.

  21. That looks like fun! Thanks for sharing how you did it. Cookies sound good, too. Thanks for that!

  22. I love the idea with the cans. A great way to recycle and have a lovely container for a gift! Thanks, Danice!

  23. Wow! Thank you all so much for all of these sweet comments. I was afraid the cans would not be something that many would be interested in. You all are the best.

  24. Danice, Adorable can containers! Thanks for the sugar cookie recipe...yum.

  25. Fun idea for upcycling cans! Those cookies look delicious!

  26. OMG, your cookies look delicious! Thanks for the tin can tutorial. I've seen them done before, but like yours so much better. Thank you for sharing!

  27. The tin cans are so cute!! Thanks for the tutorial! I love up-cycling! And the cookies look delicious! Thanks for sharing!!

  28. Thank you for the ideas, I love the look of the cans.

  29. Great idea will half to show my daughter.ty for sharing your talent s....

  30. Oh, I love the tins!!! I "need" to make some!! Thanks so much for sharing! xx

  31. Thank you all so much. I am so glad that you like my tutorial and recipe.

  32. Hey Danice -- you left a no reply blogger comment on my blog - institcheswithbonnie. blogspot. com. I'd love for you to be eligible for the prize but need your email address....

    1. Hello Bonnie. Look under this blog header, to the left, a grey circle image with an envelope. That directs to my contact form where you can reach me :)

  33. I'm so sorry I haven't seen your blog hop before now...I finally got around to posting just yesterday. I will be checking out all of the posts for your CIJ event. Hugs

  34. So many more wonderful comments. Thank you all truly.

  35. Your cans are a neat idea, and perfect for a kids craft that you can fill with candies or your sugar cookies, which I love the frosting and decorations on them. Thank you for sharing and participating in the blog hop.
