Sunday, July 8, 2018

#2018 Planning Party: mid year review

Hello friends. Yes, it has been a little while between posts. We have had some family medical issues, but things are getting better finally. 'Wanted to get you all up-to-speed on my goals for 2018 with the party at Quilting JETGirl. I had listed three main goals, and here is my report:
#1. Finish at least half of my quilt top UFO/WIPs. As of now, there are 14 completed. Things have been slow lately, but hoping to be able to get back on track this month.
#2. Get social with local quilting groups. Well, have not done that yet. Things have been so hectic around here... Still planning on doing that this year.
#3. Learn some new machine quilting designs. Guess what- learned to work the walking foot, yay! Straight-line quilting is so modern and fresh. You can see it on a few of my Completed WIPs/UFOs posts.

I actually have sewn some 18" doll clothes for my granddaughter, but that's not quilting, lol. So, that's about it for my progress mid year. What have you been doing lately in sewing and/or quilting?

~Linking-up with Quilting JETgirl's #2018 PlanningParty: Mid Year Review~


Lisa J. said...

It looks like pretty good progress to me.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I am so glad to hear that things are getting better. Medical issues can be so challenging and stressful. Finishing 14 UFOs/WIPs sounds like a very productive year to me! I hope that things go well for you in the second half of 2018.

Mari said...

What a great idea to have a mid-year checkup! I think you've made great progress-- 14 WIPs is a lot! Hope things settle down for you soon.

Prims By The Water said...

Great progress Danice! I dont set goals...I would break them. LOL Janice

Cheryl said...

You are making great progress, I hope that the medical issues are behind you.