Wednesday, January 22, 2025

SAHRR Round Robin: Round 1

The prompt for Round 1 is from Kathleen McMusing's blog, a quilt block that the title begins with the first letter of your first or last name. My choice for the "D" is the Donut block {"D" for Danice}. There do not seem to be a lot of quilt blocks that begin with the letter "D", at least not ones that could be sewn easily. I love donuts, and now am hungry, lol! I am trying to use all scrap fabrics for this project, and this dark rose-colored fabric works well. The Donut block is quite simple to make, and seems to fit this project well. This Round finishes at 3 1/2" wide, making my quilt thus far measure 18" square. This is so much fun! Have you been and looked at everyone's wonderful Center and Round 1 choices yet? Please continue reading for comments.

~SAHRR Round Robin Round 1 Link Party: Kathleen McMusing~

Blessings, Danice G.


  1. That is a nice addition to your block. Precise workmanship.

  2. Donuts are good. There weren't many with R either.

  3. The donut block is perfect! I had a hard time coming up with D blocks, too. I really like your background fabricwith those solids!

  4. A wonderful block for a tribute to yourself. Donuts sound yummy right now too. Janice

  5. Those donuts are a nice addition to your centre :)

  6. When I saw you center block, I wondered where you would go as the one King's Crown was so close to this center. Love your choice of the Donut block...and yes...a Boston Creme would be delicious right now!

  7. The donut blocks work very well with your center block. Great color combinations as well.

  8. Donuts is the perfect block for your first round. It looks beautiful with the center. I'm looking forward to see the next move!

  9. It is hard to come up with something you can actually add to the center. You found a great block to add to your SAHRR.

  10. What a clever idea for your first border! Now I want a donut, too! Yum!

  11. Donuts are always a good choice!
