Thursday, April 3, 2014

~Thrifty Thursday: Pattern bargains~

Good morning friends. 'Was just thinking... there are so many free patterns available out there. Many have been featured on this blog. We should always credit the designers, linking to their blogs/sites. After all, they are so generously offering their work for us. If the designer has terms of use, we should always abide by those terms as well. Of course, we must always be careful when clicking on links for free stuff, as these can often contain spyware or viruses. The following links are tested and found to be safe at that time:

Pillow case dresses, with several variations- The Mother Huddle

Several really cute children's and ladies' patterns- Pretty Prudent

Children's reversible wrap top- Craftiness Is Not Optional

Paper Fan wrap dress- Anna Maria Horner

Some of these designers also have patterns for sale on Etsy, Craftsy, and various other venues. We always support handmade when possible. Another smart tactic is to keep a small notepad with you or save the info via your smart phone so that you can record the pattern companies and numbers that you like and save that list for when the store has a sale. This way, you won't have to compete for a seat at the pattern books table; you can go straight to the files and grab the patterns you want, lol! Hancock Fabrics often has such sales, and Wal-Mart will honor and meet the sale price if you show the sale coupon. Looking at thrift stores often turns-up some bargain priced patterns, like the ones pictured above. Total spent: .75¢! Awesome for this week's Thrifty Thursday. These are older patterns, but still useful nowadays. Don't you just love a great bargain or sale? Prim Spring blessings.

Blessings, Danice G.

1 comment:

  1. That little bunny pattern sure looks neat! Have fun sewing my friend!
