Sunday, December 31, 2017

Word of the Year : 2018

post image: Kerrie DeFelice | Unsplash

Good morning to you all, on this the last day of 2017. Soon it will be 2018, and my chosen Word of the Year is: finish. Yes, finish those UFO quilt tops that have accumulated, lol. In the past 4+ years, there are now about fourteen quilt top flimsies. Perhaps last year's Word, "patience" will apply this year as well. In 2017, thirteen quilts/mug rugs were completed. Thank you all for another fantastic year of blogging. Sending Happy New Year wishes to you all. Here's to another fun-filled year of blogging (and this new blog theme- Soho)!

Blessings, Danice G.


Prims By The Water said...

This should be my word for next year too! I have so many WIP's that I need to start finishing them. Happy New Year. Look forward to visiting with you next year! Janice

Val's Quilting Studio said...

THat's a good word. Happy Happy New Year to you as well. :)

Old Crow Homestead said...

Great word Danice! Mine is Try. And my theme song is Try Everything (Shakira), not my favorite music genre, but I like the positive message and upbeat music.
Happy New Year!

Angie in SoCal said...

I'd pick that one myself. That's been my goal for three years, but I never seem to get anywhere near it. Maybe this year...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm still trying to decide on a word to focus on this year! I like yours! Happy new year my friend. Hugs, Diane

Createology said...

I like your 2018 word...finish. I choose an annual word and my previous word tends to follow along also. 2017 my word was “Discover”. 2018 my word is “Mindful”. Best wishes on your ability to “finish” everything you desire. Creative Bliss...<3