Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Virtual Cookie Exchange & Blog Hop 2019

It is day three of the: Virtual Cookie Exchange & Blog Hop at Just Let Me Quilt. 'Hope you are all enjoying the event. This tomte gnome is something that I have wanted to make for a while. 'Also learned some interesting information about gnomes as well. According to legend, they are active little sprites! 'Wonder if they like brownies... This one measures 13" tall and has a weighted bottom to stand. The body and nose are cotton fabric. His clothing is olive cotton flannel and his beard is white craft faux fur.

The recipe in that little blue plate is Chocolate Mint Brownies. They were quite easy to prepare, and do taste yummy. The filling is gel-based food-colored dyed green, and the topping is a ganache made of real chocolate morsels. The link to the recipe is below. Be sure to hop on over and visit all of the bloggers for all of their special recipes and projects. This is so much fun!

Chocolate Mint Brownies recipe: Betty Crocker-General Mills® | Privacy-Cookies Policy
re-posted with permission

Danice G.


  1. They look delicious. I look forward to trying them out.

  2. Hi Danice: I love your little gnome. He looks very hungry and ready to gobble up those yummy looking brownies. Was it difficult to sew with the faux fur?

  3. Your gnome is very cute. The brownies look yummy too.

  4. Now there's a combo that can't be beat! Adorable and yummy!

  5. Your gnome is so incredibly adorable and those mint brownies look yummy...what a sweet share for this hop! I've been a fan of gnomes and trolls for years, but have never been brave enough to make one. Yours turned out amazing! Thank you for hopping with us.

  6. Love the gnome. He would fit right in with my gang. The brownies look delicious. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. They do look mighty tasty. Your Gnome is so cute standing their guarding the brownies. Great work.

  8. Oh, my! What yummy looking brownies with which to enjoy staring at the super cute gnome! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Your gnome is adorable! And the brownies look really yummy - I wouldn't be able to leave them alone!

  10. Anything topped with ganache has got to be delicious, right? Make it a mint-topped-brownie and it'll be out of this world! I do believe your gnome is just waiting for your to turn you back so he can gobble up one or two! He's quite darling ... I'd love to know where you got your pattern, or if you just made it up!! Thanks for dropping by my blog, too! Merry Christmas! :)

  11. Hi Danice! I am 100% certain that gnomes like and actually love brownies. No doubt about it. I'm pretty sure there were four brownies on that plate until you set it down and got ready to take a photo. Mr. Gnome enjoyed it - you can see a slight - oh so very slight - brownie dust on the very edge of his beard. (jk) Thank you for sharing such a delicious looking brownie! Merry Christmas to you and your family. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. I love brownies and that gnome is adorable. I have to try to make one of those soon.

  13. Thanks Denise. For the gnome pattern, I just "winged it" to what appeared to look good. The body is just a simple cone-shape with a round bottom, weighted with walnut shredding.

    1. Good to know -- thanks for the info! He's so cute! :)

  14. Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments. I am visiting all of your blogs and leaving comments. 'Seeing so many festive treats and projects for sure!

  15. The brownies look yummy and know they'd be appreciated by my grands. The gnome is adorable, too. I wondered if you made him.

  16. The brownies look yummy. Thanks for telling us about the gnome. He is adorable! Janice

  17. What a cute gnome! Wonderful idea, thanks for sharing.

  18. Awww, Danice, your gnome and brownies look adorable and yummy. I love chocolate and mint together so much and they are so festive for Christmas. Thank you!

  19. Those brownies look gooey and delish! Something my husband would enjoy. Blessings,

  20. Danice, I LOVE that gnome!! He is so cute!! And what's NOT to love about chocolate and mint?? LOL Thanks for sharing!

  21. Your brownies look delicious! Love your gnome. Perfect decoration for the holidays.
