Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving 2024

Happiest Thanksgiving wishes to you all! Belated wishes for my Canadian followers. We celebrated yesterday, and my tater tot casserole was a main dish. See my table runner from Autumn Jubilee 2016 on the table? My daughter and I prepared all of the food. There was also a honey-glazed ham, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, cream-style corn and homestyle dinner rolls. My granddaughter also made mac n' cheese, which was her first attempt, and it was delicious. Well done granddaughter! To see our dessert, and for comments, please continue reading.
Here is our dessert- yellow cake cupcakes with blue-sprinkled vanilla frosting. Some did not have the peppermint topping, and all save one of those was eaten. My grandson especially loved those. This was a perfect Thanksgiving. Family and friends is what it is all about. Of course, first thanking God for this and for everyone else in our lives as well as remembering other people whom we don't even know. Everyone is important, every day of every year. How did, or is your Thanksgiving going?

Blessings, Danice G.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving my friend. I'm glad you are close to your family and have special holidays like this! Everything looks delicious!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Janice

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Danice! Love seeing the AJ runner!
