The other day, Wendy of: Ravenwood Whimzies wrote a post about blogging. She and I discussed that in the past few years a lot of bloggers have kinda left blogging by the wayside. Other social media outlets are fun and we'll stay with them, there does seem to be something special and more of a niche about blogging. Wouldn't it be great if we all tried to write more posts? With no minimal requirements, no "score to keep", just a conscious effort to try to blog more often. Not choosing one media outlet over another, simply remembering our blogs. Of course, life does get in the way and sometimes there is really no time. 'Just saying that it would be nice to see more blog friends back online as well as some new ones. A "call to bloggers", as Wendy said. Feel free to right-click and save the post button to use on your own blog, and write a post about blogging. What do you think about it?
Danice G.
I love Blogland. FBland...not too much and growing less fond every day.
I'll sneak over to Wendy's blog right now.
xx, Carol
Blogging makes a quilting community of online friends.
Instagram is fun, pretty pictures, but not much connection to people.
Thanks so much for helping Danice - I hope our dear friends return to blogging on a regular basis....
You are welcome. Hoping also that many do return to blogging, and some new people will consider to start blogging.
Thanks for all you do and I agree, more content is needed by the bloggers. I understand it takes time, but we, the audience, are so appreciative,
You are very welcome Wendy. Maybe some of them will return to blogging.
Oh wow! Guess we are all on the same page, huh?? How neat. And I remember that I used to follow Wendy... thanks for sharing so I can hook up with her again. I just hope she remembers me, hahaha! I already have 3 posts for this year... I'm so proud of myself, ha
Thanks Danice, have a great weekend~
I like FB and IG for sharing quick in progress pictures, but really like blogging to share finishes and go into more depth in topics.
I so agree...lots of my blogging friends have left. Janice
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