Tuesday, January 28, 2025

SAHRR Round Robin: Round 2

This week's prompt is from Anja of Anja Quilts, and is Half Square Triangles {HSTs}. My choice is made from HSTs, and is called the Quarter Square Triangle. They are really fun to sew. They are added in the right and left sides of the quilt top, and Round 3 will be the top and lower rows. Please continue reading for more info, and for comments.

As of now, my quilt top measures 19" X 26". After Round 3, it will meausre 26" square. Although it was not my intention, it is looking kinda like a baby quilt. The blue and rose colors probably are why. That is OK though. The rose fabric has been in my stash for a few years, so this a perfect time to use some of it, right? I also decided to add 1" sewn coping rows so that the rows appear more noticable. Be sure to check out the party to see all of the creative and beautiful rows.

~SAHRR Round Robin Round 2 Link Party: Anja Quilts~

Blessings, Danice G.


Prims By The Water said...

How very interesting...never heard of these triangles...and I finally got in now why it is called a round robin. DUH on my part. Janice

Jeanna said...

Your SAHRR is looking great, Hannah. Sounds like you have a great plan for future rounds.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I like the use of the quarter square triangles - it makes your blocks unique. Great progress!

Danette said...

Is looking very lovely and fun!

Rose said...

This is my first SAHRR and I'm kind of wishing it wasn't going to be quite as big as it seems like it's going to be. Small isn't all bad.

Sandra Walker said...

I was able to find you through a comment on someone else’s blog as you are a no-reply. I like that you’ve done something non-traditional and added a round on two sides only—cool!

Mary said...

I love Round Robins. Starting at Home RR sounds the n est!

Danice G said...

Thank you all. Yes, I am a no reply blogger for safety reasons (not to be unfriendly). I can be reached via blog comments, or my contact form, located directly under my right sidebar profile photo.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

These QST are lovely, I love the sweet and soft childlike look of your project. Plans for next rounds sound great too!

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Looking great! Thanks for your comments about mine too. This is fun and my first time joining the SAHRR.

piecefulwendy said...

I like the use of the QSTs. So much fun to see the quilts start to emerge with each round!

Kathleen said...

The QSTs are such a nice addition to your SAHRR. Great job on the prompt this week.