Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Goodness it is cold!

Goodness, the temp is currently 4° here in Alabama. We are not accustomed to such low temps. Some of you are having even colder weather. Let's all stay warm and be well covered in layers of clothing when we must venture outdoors, OK? Layers of clothing are excellent insulators. A lot of body heat is actually lost via our extremities: the head and feet. Good shoes or boots with warm socks, and a hood or some other type of head covering would be great. Ear muffs or flaps would also be very wise. 'Wouldn't want anyone to get sick. If you have ice and/or snow, please be careful in that also. Prim blessings.
graphic: Twin Creek Primitives

Danice G.


  1. Stay warm Danice!This weather has been horrible. Blessings,Jen

  2. It's cold all the way to Florida today! Hope you stayed inside snug and warm! We did! Sweet hugs!

  3. Aww! You are sweet! Yup, I had those things on for our Arctic Blast in PA the other day. -20 degree windchills. Ugh!

    Thank you for taking the time to post on my blog! You are just two sweet! You are an encouragement to my dad and I. He will appreciate your kind comment too!

    I hope things have warmed up a bit for you... It was 60 yesterday! Too WARM for a PA winter. Crazy!

    Love and hugs!
