Saturday, January 6, 2018

New design theme for this blog

Welcome to this blog's new Blogger theme! This is Soho. Having changed over, many older posts will still contain the jump break ("continue reading MORE of this post..."). I only recently realized that every time a published post is updated/changed, that you email subscribers receive an email for each and every one. Many apologies to you all for the inconvenience. Updating those posts would flood you all with emails, so those posts will not be updated. You all can expect to continue reading posts that are sewing/quilting/crafting-related, as well as some bits about blogging, and my family. 'Same as before. Only the design has changed.

Soho does have a left sidebar, but it is tucked away. To open it, look at the top left of the screen and select the following image:

This will open the left sidebar. Blessings to you all.

Danice G.


allthingzsewn said...

Good luck , hope this works for you.

Createology said...

Thank you for sharing your blogging tips for learning new things. I am completely a dinosaur when it comes to techy blog template is the perfect example. Soho looks like clean simplicity. Creative Bliss <3

Cheryl said...

Great new look, I really like it!

Danice G said...

Thank you all so much . It was some work to change over, but worth it.