Here is another Amish scherenschnitte, found at a local thrift store for only .50 cents. Yes, the same thrift store where I had found another scherenschnitte several months ago. How lucky is that? This one is small, 3 1/2"X4 1/2", and is framed in a pretty wood frame. Scherenschnitte is a German term that means scissor cuts. Notice that the cream-colored paper is cut-out to reveal the red and navy papers underneath for a two dimensional effect. The Bible verse is from Joshua 24:15, "As for me and my house, We will serve the Lord". This craft is often made by the Pennsylvania Dutch Amish people, and dates back to 16th century Germany and Switzerland. In the 18th century, settlers bought the craft to America. Don't you just love finding treasures like this?
Danice G.
Very neat find! ~Jessica