Monday, November 17, 2014

Sunbonnet Sue quilt is finished!

Finally, the Sunbonnet Sue full-size bed quilt for my granddaughter is completed! Now I understand totally how and why a long arm quilting machine would be a wonderful thing to have. It was not easy to get this quilt sewn at all. Since we do not have a full-size bed (mine is a twin-size), 'had to display the quilt on Mother's king-size bed. The Sue appliqués, lattices, cornerstones, binding and piecing were machine-stitched. The quilting stitches in the ditches between the lattices was hand-done. One thing is for sure: my granddaughter Macey is worth every minute spent on this project. It is part of her Christmas present for this year. 'Decided to go with a medium yellow binding color. Every Sue wears a dress and bonnet made from remnants of clothing that I made for granddaughter the first three years of her life. A white eyelet bed ruffle was purchased to complete the ensemble. This rest of this post is really picture-heavy. 'Want to see the matching quilted pillow shams and the coordinating wall hanging? Please continue reading...

Each sham is appliquéd, quilted, flanged, and is roomy enough to enclose the fluffy standard size bed pillows. One features Amish Suspender Sam, playmate of Sunbonnet Sue.The wall hanging pattern (also pictured above) is quilted, and the pattern is included in the Eleanor Burns' book Sunbonnet Sue Visits Quilt in a Day®, ©1992. It was designed by Patricia Knoechel. I added the top tabs, and painted the wooden dowel rod white. The backing is the same solid pale pink cotton fabric as the tabs. These Sues also wear clothing and bonnets/hats made of remnants of granddaughter Macey's clothing that I made from 2011 through 2014. What do you all think of this quilt ensemble? To see the quilt progress throughout the year, simply follow the Sunbonnet Sue label at the end of this post. Prim quilting blessings to you all!

Danice G.


  1. OMYGOODNESS...such a beautiful quilt. Everyone loves homemade quilts. I've made a few very plain, 9 patch and just block square quilts. I could never, ever do anything like your beautiful Sue here. My mom was a quilter and, like yours, her quilts were works of art. I love making the tops but can't do very well with the quilting on my little 1950's Singer. :)
    xoxo (and thank you for following)

  2. What a timeless treasure for Macey. It's a beautiful quilt set.

  3. You did an amazing job on this precious quilt and accessories! A true labor of love! What wonderful heirlooms your granddaughter will be able to pass down. ~Jessica

  4. It is a work of art my friend! It's probably my very favorite quilt design and you really had some pretty fabric to use for it. How special it will be for your Granddaughter. I know you are proud of should be! It's quite an accomplishment! And I love all of the extra things you did to match it. Sweet hugs, Diane

  5. Oh my, what an incredibly beautiful quilt! You did a lovely job and as Jessica said, a true labor of love.

    Have a blessed week! Hugs!

  6. Oh Danice it is beautiful! So much love put into each and every stitch. This is something she will treasure from her Grandma forever! Nice job,
    Be blessed,

  7. You did a wonderful job making it. Love the quilt, so cute!! My grandma sent my quilt block she said sunbonnet sue but they were sunbonnet ladies. I put it together and my mil's church quilted it for me.
